SparkSpark Transformations example (Part 1)Apache Spark transformations like Spark reduceByKey, groupByKey, mapPartitions, map etc are very widely used. Apart from these...
SparkUnderstanding SparkContext textFile & parallelize methodMain menu: Spark Scala Tutorial In this blog you will learn, How Spark reads text file or any other external dataset. Referencing a...
SparkWhat is SparkContext (Scala)?Main menu: Spark Scala Tutorial In this blog you will learn, How to start spark-shell? Understanding Spark-shell. Creating Spark context...
Data ScienceApache Spark Tutorial Scala: A Beginners Guide to Apache Spark ProgrammingLearn Apache Spark: Tutorial for Beginners - This Apache Spark tutorial documentation will introduce you to Apache Spark programming..
SparkHow to write single CSV file using spark?Apache Spark by default writes CSV file output in multiple parts-*.CSV, inside a directory. Reason is simple it creates multiple files...