Spark Transformations example (Part 1)
Apache Spark transformations like Spark reduceByKey, groupByKey, mapPartitions, map etc are very widely used. Apart from these...

Understanding SparkContext textFile & parallelize method
Main menu: Spark Scala Tutorial In this blog you will learn, How Spark reads text file or any other external dataset. Referencing a...

What is SparkContext (Scala)?
Main menu: Spark Scala Tutorial In this blog you will learn, How to start spark-shell? Understanding Spark-shell. Creating Spark context...

Apache Spark Tutorial Scala: A Beginners Guide to Apache Spark Programming
Learn Apache Spark: Tutorial for Beginners - This Apache Spark tutorial documentation will introduce you to Apache Spark programming..

How to write single CSV file using spark?
Apache Spark by default writes CSV file output in multiple parts-*.CSV, inside a directory. Reason is simple it creates multiple files...